Jumat, 08 April 2011
silliness on facebook
Naruto Lovers Monginsidi Boby Bayu Lexy officer wants to be his bride
Lexy and open the closed fist of the blue tia itchy. Really, he wanted to punch someone's face today. So these items are listed in the notification e-mails. I do not know where, most likely from her own room Giri-sounding laughter echoed, bouncing on the walls of the house.
210 comments. Lexy constrict her forehead, could not believe what he saw. Well, he still considers it all a dream.
Ryan Tegal Not Jombang: oh, shit! Pastiin I be one companion boyfriend ye
Sarah Aziz: Boby?
Boby Monginsidi Naruto Lovers: @ Rijo: yo, of course, Bro!
@ Sarah: Yeah?
Sarah 'Chan' Tik: Boby Baka! Pshaw! I think the same lo crush on me!
Farhan Not Fat: Oi, Boby! The responsibility of the Sarah Aziz sad tuh! I also want to be a bridesmaid boyfriend. Wkwkwkwk
Boby Monginsidi Naruto Lovers: @ Sacchan: I love you and him. Wkwkwk
@ Kak Farhan: sorry I was not the father of the fetus in the uterus Sarah Aziz. So do not ask me the same responsibility. Should be allowed. It can be set. High Fives!
I'm Not spotty: hahahahahahahaha, this brilliant idea, Bob! Both of you will of be a good couple. Lo Pastiin came to the house continues to ask the blessing of baek-baek definitely my father ijinin
Sarah Aziz: kak Farhan!
Farhan Not Fat: yes, Sar? @ Bobby: High Fives!
Boby Monginsidi Naruto Lovers: @ I do not spotty: oi, Girish! I guess who! Certainly I've senggaknya get approval from lo XD
@ Farhan & Sarah.a: why not both mating aja lo?
Lexy remove cold sweat from his temples. What's this? He knows today is the day of his graduation. But whether it can be made an excuse to do crazy things because it is too happy and relieved? Ok, everyone can be like that, but not by an officer who was born in the family. Then, why Giri also participated took part in this madness? Since when its name changed into 'I'm Not spotty'? remembered when he access the account facebooknya almost 2 weeks ago-before graduation at the start, the name of his brother was still Giri Ramadan Officer (silly really!). Giri also told her to open facebooknya tonight (and he wanted to laze in front of the TV) only to find hundreds notif? So, this is where it ends, above the bed, with laptop in front of him.
I'm Not Mesum: damn it, Bob! When is the date of her wedding? Count me in, I also give consent.
Who else is? Lexy wiping his hands that had suddenly come to sweat. Why does he feel this madness was just about at the start? With a bit nervous about him moving the mouse that is connected to the laptop.
I'm Not spotty: hehehehehehe I'm cool new name, right? Soon! Fadil! That lo? Hahahahahahaha, yayaya berenti bokep open the open site, immoral, pervert, nasty and friends if do not want to be called nasty!
Farhan Not Fat: well, as long as Sarah Azizah want, Marja Farhan would want aja. How Sarah neng?
Yo Saranghae Farhan: Oppa!
Ryan Tegal Not Jombang: Kill the Farhan! His wife came!
@ Sacchan: Gue! Gue! I'm not that like the same lo Boby!
Farhan Not Fat: Risma? Why is the name you so so? Ampuuuuun gammer!
Sarah Aziz: aja Ris kill him! TT_TT
Lexy mobilize a stiff neck. That's why sometimes he does not like facebook. Too many strange names bin Alay and the comments that deviate from the topic of conversation. It should be a topic of conversation here is Bobby who wanted her so-briefly! Why did he seem happy to be topic in talks with the theme of this weird?
A little disgusted with himself, Lexy again moving the mouse, a cursory reading dozens of replies or comments Farhan on Saranghae-err-Risma, declaration of love from Ryan on Sarah Salsabila, and conversations between Giri with Boby who thinks too familiar. Very very friendly even! I was so familiar to make Lexy-never mind! Lexy bizarre cast of mind was far away.
Just Call Me WT: Lexy emang lo already agreed to be bride?
Boby Monginsidi Naruto Lovers: sure, bro! There is not able to resist the charm of a Boby! Btw, lo already out of jail?
Just Call Me WT: deh. I do not remember this senarsis lo. Btw, doggy love this lo status. LOL.
Boby Monginsidi Naruto Lovers: Woof! Woof!
Just Call Me WT: hahahahaha! Woof!
Lexy juggle two balls eyes. 2 children with autism!
Kidut Caesar: what you're already confident with your choices, bob? Seeing you is often a fight, I'm not sure your marriage will last long
Oi oi oi! Risky Om Sarah at Dara-father-as well as follow-up craze? Lexy nearly choked on his own saliva. But, what then she read nearly asthma
Boby Monginsidi Naruto Lovers: it's the sexual tension after all, uncle. Fight with uterus is more like sex to me. We love each other
Kidut Caesar: either this or you just emang om feeling horny again?
Boby Monginsidi Naruto Lovers: Lexayang only with reference to the name, can make me-om taulah, hehehe
I'm Not Mesum: but you're not virgin anymore, you whore! Lexy was a virgin I think tuh
Kidut Caesar: damn it! Boby! Om do not know if you have the other side like this.
@ Fadil: language, son, language! Facing me tomorrow or you do not I ijinin nikahin Dara
I'm Not Mesum: om! Do not dong. Anyway my first Boby that talking about sex T_T
Boby Monginsidi Naruto Lovers: create Lexayang, I could be a different person om. Congrats ya make Fadil
Kidut Caesar: No buts! Facing me tomorrow!
Sarah 'Chan' Tik: Lexy is still a virgin? Period? Gosh!
I'm Not Mesum: om too ya!
Dara Afifah Azmi: huh? Really Lexy still a virgin?
Yo Saranghae Farhan: gyahahaha. Bob thankful, lo going to be the first
I'm Not spotty: hahahahaha oh yesh! Lexayang still a virgin!
Ryan Tegal Not Jombang: @ sacchan: oi Sar! Lo why plasticity interested in same topic ya?
Jack Driver: I've thought if den Lexy still a virgin. I bet if den Lexy also has never been kissed
Boby Monginsidi Naruto Lovers: hahahahahaha, damn! I think I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Back off, bitches! Lexayang is mine!
Kezia Pink Lovers: This topic is about what? I do not understand
Lexy swallowed his saliva. He'd had a little bit yes dear readers LITTLE-hope that he is a discussion topic here, but why the fact that happened here far exceeded his expectations limit?
Roni officer: he never even dating, he wrote Pantes never kiss. Bob, do you know if Lexy was asexual? Are you sure you want to marry him?
@ Kekez: take care of your pink factory wrote it! You are too beginner about beginian (?)
Humaira HaTAEMIN: hooo ... what Lexy including those who believe in sex after married? Ah! That bener2 a fantastic way of thinking!
I'm Not spotty: ny. Or actually he's just waiting for Bobby took my first initiative
Boby Monginsidi Naruto Lovers: hah! Lexayang not asexual, he's just Bobyksual, the which means he's just interested as I
Farhan Not Fat: suddenly I wrote a similar mind Giri
I'm Not Mesum: oh. I do not know if Lexy shy type like that. Bobyksual? Make Sense! Hahaha, you rock dude!
Kezia Pink Lovers: oh about Lexy a virgin anyway. @ Roni: F *** you! Pink that's funny!
Why did he feel in an all-out attack? And severity of the father bandwagon! Not that should Boby who were attacked for writing such a strange status? Lexy trying to contain his emotions. She was never this angry before. Right! Throughout his memory, someone who always could make it angry at this point only Boby! Boby! New Enlightenment came to her. HP she grabbed his hurried. 10 pm. It may not be polite if you would call people at this hour. But considering that man telfonnya seems still in good shape and status-evident from his comments Lexy round-intentions. Moreover he did not care, he wants to do what he wants.
Feeling centuries for Lexy until finally sounded hoarse voice across the telephone
"BobTol!" Lexy himself surprised by his voice that sounded harsh even to her own ears "lo thinkers actually doing?!"
"Ughhh," Boby sounded like someone who just woke up from sleep, "what? Emang this time? "
"10" Lexy reflex answer, although it was not what he should say. He should be angry, remember? "Lo sleep? Since when? "Lexy frowned
"Um, yes I wake up to lo" yawning voice on the other side "do not know what time. I have not even eat Malem. Damn, the Tami did not wake me. Why? "
"If lo sleep, continue to update the status of anyone who lo? Continue kok lo Tami at home? "
"Status of what? It's my mother I do temenan ama nyokapnya Tami, keep all of a sudden in titipin Tami wrote to me "
"Huh?" Boby voice sounded calm "oh, definitely Tami"
Lexy now understand why it feels awkward to read the comments 'Bobby' which seemed familiar to Giri and greeting "Lexayang" for himself.
"He knows the password lo?" Lexy not understand why Bobby was so trusting of others like it. Tami is not even his biological Sodara
"Yep. Soon "
Lexy wait a few minutes until he heard the sound of laughter on the other end. Laughter is again reminded that he is angry
"What ketawain lo?" Hissed Lexy
"Well, damn! Hahahahahaha, Lex, lo angry just because of this? "
"Just because of this?" Ask Lexy sharp, "lo see how they ngehina me!"
No answer. I do not know how long the silence hung in the air, too long perhaps, to make Lexy decided to lie down next to her laptop. Pillow feels soft, able to relieve his frustration though slightly
"Bob!" Lexy began impatiently
"Lex, why not try ngebantah lo talk to them?"
"I'm not crazy like you" Lexy know this is commonplace among his friends-friends Boby more precisely. They are still young. Should not she could go 'play' and follow the flow? But he can not! There are things he can and can not change. Or is he too stubborn?
"Oh" Lexy somehow feel the hurt in his voice Boby "lo continue now what?"
What does she want? Tami and Giri swore it out? Curse all those who commented on that status, including his father and Caesar's family? Price himself would fall if he loses control like that. Should he confess, he did not feel angry at those people. Kemarahnannya somehow more drawn to Boby. But why? Why not also angry at Boby diminished when he knows it's not wrong Boby. What does she want?
"I" Lexy breath choked "I do not know"
Bobby sighed.
"For lo know what, who and how self-lo, for pa care at the words of anyone else? Lo know them just a joke? "
No answer. Keyboard sound at the press of fingers in her ears sounded clear
"I signed pake account Tami" Bobby chuckled "Read! I Stand up for lo there "
The words were instantly remove the rage he felt earlier. Is this what he wants? Boby defend him and was on his side when others attack him?
"Hn 'Lexy was interested to read what was written by Boby. He is quite comfortable with saying Boby on defense that "if so nite, Bob"
"Oi oi oi! Lo nelfon I just made this? "
"But I still want to chat with lo, Lex"
"Toll I want abis"
"Ok, close telfonnya" Lexy a bit disappointed when Boby give up that easy "I'm a nelfon lo now"
Wide smile tugging at his lips. I was so wide, until her lips hurt. Whether at wekernya been shown at what time when they end their conversation that night. Lexy not remember what they were talking about, he's just enjoying their order to each topic discussed, jumping from one idea to another id Eke, says whatever they want to say, tend to be random and irregular, but that's what makes enjoying every second when they talked. Is it normal? It normal if he spent 2-3 hours just to chat with friends that every day he temiu on campus? Or because they could not talk as freely as this on campus? Lexy decided to not think about it and switch on the laptop. Tens notif.
Tami Pratiwi: tami oi! Do not leave the house let alone to campus a few days, because I think going to kill lo Lexy together all those who ngehina him here. Btw, Lexy've been kissing each girl in her gazebo house a few years ago. For further information please contact Roni om. What is wrong if people wait until nemuin ngelakuin person fit for the H-stuff? Dil You're a whore! Haha!
Kidut Caesar: Boby? Facing me tomorrow!
Ryan Tegal Not Jombang: so ya is not no wedding party? Boby destroyer plan! Tami wrote that I want to be the holder of this account forever!
I'm Not Mesum: congrats bob! Let's face om Risky together tomorrow
I'm Not spotty: kuso! Boby traitor! Who kissed Lexayang?
Boby Monginsidi Naruto Lovers: bro! you're ruining the mood here! Destroyed is my plan!
Yo Saranghae Farhan: I've guessed this is not Bobby. Tami crazy! Eh? Who? Who would ever kiss Lexy!
Sarah Aziz: tami!
Lexy sighs, though not completely relieved. Boby defense section that mention him ever kissing a girl at his home gazebo makes his stomach feel uncomfortable. Not sick, just that when he remembered the incident that he felt so uncomfortable. Giri's wrong that makes 'girl' was wrong, wrong who wanted to comfort her but with a passion that never mind!. But everything was fine. They have promised nothing had changed from their friendship. The kiss did not change anything between them, only reinforces something that arises in his heart without his knowing it.
Dara Afifah Azmi: huh? Not so? I've a dream come stylist party decor. Huft!
Farhan Not Fat: when I've bought tuxedo
Yo Saranghae Farhan: how the same message I've gown online?
Just Call Me WT: doggy do not like changes to this plan, Woof! Woof!
Jack Driver: nyusahin! And indeed he already invites non Dara so my partner
Roni officer: why should the batalin? Let's kidnap the bride and groom and their forced marriage!
Humaira HaTAEMIN: wow! Om Roni! om was able to think over there until juga.tapi I agree that make a wedding reception in Hawaii. Hawaii, We Are come!
Kezia Pink Lovers: not finished eating dong! Disappointed ... disappointed
Dara Afifah Azmi: When mang jack my invites?
Yo Saranghae Farhan: Hawaii! If so why should I buy a dress? Mending bikini!
Sarah 'Chan' Tik: Beach Party? Hell yeah!
Farhan Not Fat: bikini? Ris-chan!
Boby Monginsidi Naruto Lovers: sorry to disappoint but the party cancel, still love life
I'm Not spotty: what we can not continue acting in rayain tetep if her party?
Ryan Tegal Not Jombang: udahlah! The party canceled! Feels gloomy here.
Lexy smiled as his hands danced over the letters. He decided to go 'play' this time. Only tonight. Nothing wrong with occasionally not be the only person who looked at the world's most serious. This is normal, it will be memorable if they ripen later. Did not people say the young period during which the most beautiful?
Lexy Bayu Officer: while tami already in pastiin died tomorrow, but the wedding party in adain tetep. So.
Yes does not hurt if ngikutin flows occasionally. Early that day, Lexy fell asleep with a faint smile on his lips and fingers are sore. He did not think could happen 'war' between the comment like that. Even Sarah Aziz also take part. It may be true people say if there are quiet people in the real world could change in 1800 if in cyberspace. But Lexy not understand why his parents go-go comment on that status. Well, maybe like half of Jakarta is experiencing temporary insanity. But one thing that Lexy know, it looks like tomorrow will be many people who comment on this status oversleep. Well, tomorrow is Sunday. Everything is going fine aja
english essay
"Kriing ... kriiiing ... kriiing" at 05:00 am, alarmku ring out. Quickly moved from a comfortable bed to get ready for school. With red eyes and messy hair after getting out of bed, I took this towel and clothes to the bathroom.
"Hooaaamh ... I'm lazy to school!" I said with eyes half-closed.
"You still nonoton DVD to night, because it is so malas1" replied the mother busy with her cooking
"Exclaimed abis hell .." I said to the bathroom
After a shower I went to the room and looked at a large poster with a picture of favoriteku idol, he is known by the name 'Kim JaeJoong'. By looking at the poster I was quite happy to see his good looks. Kim JaeJoong is a singer to join the boy band consisting of Jung Yunho leadernya namely the leader of cool, Park Yoochun's a very cute romantic, Shim Changmin was the tall man, handsome and Kim Jaejoong the man who incorporated sixpackdan distinctive voice. The name of their boy band in korea is "DBSK", while in Japan they are commonly called by the name "Tohoshinki", and to their international names commonly called "TVXQ".
Satisfied saw 5 nan handsome man, I swear shoes and immediately rushed off to school escorted by my favorite sister. While on the trip, I imagine when he gets time in sekilah SKU, definitely my friends are excited with the gossip-gossip about the boyband-Korean boyband. I always smile when remembering the excitement of my friends when talking about Korean boyband and girlband korea yesterday.
Arriving at school I was greeted by my friend who likes sweet kolrea also, namely Hatami
"Annita ...!" Hatami said loudly
"Hoi .. hoi .. Hatami "countered sapanku
"Ye know not?" Ask Hatami
"What? What? What Hatami? Tell me! "I was curious
"Said JaeJoong will be a concert at Tokyo Dome, loh." Hatami said
"Kriiiing ... kriiing ..." entry bell rang, I rushed into class and sat in class with the sweet. Sebangkuku friend named Zakia. He did not like my Korean lover, he prefers western songs. Zakia is a good friend, all I want to tell definitely Zakia will listen well. And one more beautiful classmate named Thalia, he's just like Zakia lover western songs.
While in class we were always three, but I do not feel confident bertemen with them because they are both beautiful and smart, but now I try to be confident. The three of us menggobrol dibangku the penultimate. It felt as if I had cried so much and good friends and fun. It was in the classroom was so crowded and noisy when we should all read the Qur'an or ESQ. While we were in full swing menggobrol suddenly one of my classmates ran from the door and shouting "Uh, uh ... there is no teacher teacher ....!!" katnanya with panic and dudk opened its Al-qur'an , it is true there are teachers. Quickly I opened the Qur'an and read it berpuru-pura. With our panic classmates to read the Qur'an and datangalah someone opened the den door was a teacher.
"Hey ... hey ... instead of reading the Qur'an?! Come read the Qur'an it! "Snapped the teacher, and a neat mustache dandannya. Unison all read the Qur'an haltingly because of fear demarahi again.
When finished reading the Qur'an we all started belejar. There came a science teacher. All the issue open and stationery course. My teacher began to explain the lesson, but I did not notice but a teacher of drawing and doodling on a blank book with the words 'TVXQ' in the graffiti to make it look cool.
"Uh, woman noticed a teacher, do not picture mulu!" Says Zakia
"Oh, yes, yes," I said miserably
"Heee, Korean mulu!" Says Zakia
Because already at scolds Zakia, I began to take lessons with great enthusiasm but still, all my thoughts are always passing shadow 'Korean band'. Trying berkonsentari and finally succeeded, the lessons I had already started to digest properly.
1 hour lesson passed, my eyes are getting tired and started menggantuk. Every now and then I yawned wide and my eyes slowly closed.
"Nit! Wake nit! "Says Zakia
"Annita sleep well? Ahaha "said Thalia while menenggok to bankuku.
"Uh, get nit!" Says Zakia again and Thalia
"Huh? There is a hell? "I said
"Do not sleep nit. Kok had been sleepy lo continue? "Asked Zakia
"Nit yes, why? Lo stayed up until 1 pm Malem yah? Or lo sick? "Cerocos Thalia
"Engga, I just stayed up till 11 o'clock talaga," I replied
"Ha? Why nit? "Asked Zakia again
"I watch a Korean DVD title 'No Limit' it loh"
"Jaaaah ... Korea again, "said Zakia and Thalia Concurrent
Bell was replaced, it's time to break into the canteen.
"Annita, if teachers neranggin perhatiin lo donk! Think tuh values lo, soon it Deuteronomy End Semester, nit. Do Korean mulu in pikirin, "fretted Zakia
"Iya nit lo ga UAS should not joke. Learning Korean pikirin nit do not always temporary, "says Thalia also follow-up
"Iyaaa, Zakia, I engga so here we go," I face the fear and sad
Berfkir my grades are bad, Zakia words have a point, I should like and memenag nge-fans in Korea but I should be able to share their time but
"Akh, still 2 weeks away UAS, there are still plenty of time to learn and play," my mind who did not want to give a damn and do not want to care about what the words and warning Zakia and Thalia.
Hatami canteen I met again, our mouths start chirping discuss 'boyband Koera'. Asiknya So I forgot that I've been to the canteen with Zakia and Thalia. Do not want to miss the news 'Korean boyband', I asked Hatami a more up to date to about Korea. As they walked in search of food what inginku eat, me and Hatami still speak of "Korean boy band '. After buying the food, I immediately joined with Thalia and Zakia, while I stayed Hatami canteen.
Remembering and thinking of my bad, my heart wanted to set out to fix my rating is bad. I started imagining what if my value is really ugly when the UAS and I'm not the next grade. Thinking like that I began to fear and I want to promise to learn properly.
When he arrived home, I immediately received scolding from Mama,
"Hi," I say
"Wa'alikumsallam," behind the greeting mama
"Annita, mama want you to improve your grades and no more 'Korean boy band' who always admired the" mama cerocos
"But mah, mah deh I'll promise I'll learn to be enterprising and will divide their time between playing dn learning, mah." I said
"Hemh, yasudah engga mama want anyway if you get bad mama value engga will not hesitate to confiscate your mobile phone and TV."
"Mah yes, I promise."
See, dimarahin. Finally I tried to share time and study diligently. Every day I make my daily list for divided my time properly and concentrate with the lessons. And every night I learn and menggulang some lessons have been learned earlier while in school. I was careful to share time with learning and mainku not particularly disturbed by mengg-up-date 'Korean boyband'.
UAS was over, it's time for report cards and determining whether or not I ride. When the distribution of report cards providing results of my learning my homeroom teacher for a year and the results my rating meninggkat and nothing bad. My heart is glad and mobile phones, TVs and all the songs and also the videos' boyband Korea' me not in foreclosure by Mama. One of my penggalaman this is "... we may like, fond or nge-fans with your idol, but not to interfere with your school, divide your time ..."
exercise 14 Page 192
EXERCISE 14 Page 192
I 1. The pastries in that shop are very expensive but quite deliciously.
C 2. You can find some change to buy a paper in the drawer, on top of the dresser, or in
the jar.
C 3. The living room was decorated with expensive paintings and elegance lamps.
I 4. He knew that the financial problems were serious, that the situation was not going
to improve, and that he needed to get a job.
C 5. All day long during the trip to the mountains, they were skiing, sledding, or played
in the snow.
C 6. The car needs new tires but not a new engine.
I 7. He stops working when he gets too tired to continue or when he has finished.
C 8. To get to office, you should go through this door, turn to the left, and continuation
down the hall.
C 9. For dessert we could serve lemon pie, fruit tarts, chocolate cake, or butter cookies.
I 10. The sick needs some medicine, some juice and to rest.
EXERCISE 15 Page 194
I 1. He either lied or telling an unbelieveable story.
C 2. The music at the concert was neither well played nor well liked.
I 3. He regularly studies both in the morning or in the evening.
I 4. The play that we saw last night was not only rather delightful but also quite
C 5. He married her neither for her ability to cook nor her ability to clean house.
C 6. The discussion was both exciting and interest.
C 7. He withdrew all the money not only from the checking account but also from the
savings account.
I 8. Neither the teacher or the students are ready to leave the classroom.
I 9. You can meet with me either in the next few minutes or at 04:00.
I 10. Jhon is an adventurous person who enjoys not only skydiving but also goes
EXERCISE (Skills 14-15) Page 194
C 1. The advertisemenst appeared in the newspaper and on the radio.
C 2. She is trained as both an accountant and in nursing.
I 3. We can take either my car or yours to the party.
C 4. The coffee is too hot, too bitter and too strength.
I 5. He not only passed the test but also receiving the highest score in the class.
I 6. Your ideas are neither more important or less important than the ideas of the others.
I 7. The meeting lasted only an hour but still seeming too long.
C 8. The novel was both emotional and description.
C 9. Either the counselor or her secretary can help you with that problem.
C 10. The leaves from the tree fell in the yard, in the pool, in the driveway, and on the
TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 14-15) Page 195
C 1. Ballpoint pens are less versatile but more population than fountain pens.
D 2. Riddles vary greatly in booth grammatical and phonology form.
D 3. Blood pressure is measured by feeling the pulse and apply a force to the arm.
D 4. The Moon has no atmosphere, no air and no watery.
B 5. The first matches were too hard to ignite, a mess, or too dangerously easy to ignite.
B 6. A 1971 U.S government policy not only put warnings on cigarette packs but also
banning television advertising of cigarettes.
B 7. Demand, beauty, durability, rare and perfection of cutting determine the value of
D 8. The Harvard Yard, which was Harvad’s original campus, is still a major attraction
for both students and visiting.
C 9. In 1862, the American Confederacy raised the Merrimack, renamed it Virginia
covered it with iron plates and an outfit it with ten guns.
C 10. The liquid crystals in a display (LCD) affect the polarized light so that it is either
blocked and reflected by the segments of the display.
TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-15) Page 196
1. Most cells in multicelled organisms perform D. Specialization functions.
2. The big island of Hawaii, in the middle of the pacific ocean B. it was created by five
3. The sun uses up over four million tons of hydrogen per second C. but is still has
enough hydrogen to last for the next five billion years.
4. For Katherine L. Bates . who A. reached the top of pikes peak in 1893. The view
provided the inspiration for her hymn “ America the beautiful “.
C 5. Coal , petroleum and natural gaseous are all fossil fuels.
A 6. The mass of neutron stars generally range from one-tenth to twice the mass of the
D 7. Grasses grow in ways that help them to to survive being nibbled , chilly, or dried.
B 8. Most of hemingway’s novels glorifies heroic exploits such as bullfighting or
D 9. Paleographers study ancient and medieval handwriting in order to establish not
only its age and also its background.
D 10. The sound produced by bullfrogs and toads vary greatly because each species
have its own particular call.
EXERCISE 16 Page 197
I 1. We have already hearing the good news .
C 2. She has ridden her bicycle to school everyday .
I 3. I have always belive you.
I 4. He has find the missing car keys.
C 5. They have put their money in a saving account.
C 6. Their parents have allowed them to stay up late.
C 7. She has never ran away from home before.
I 8. Have you ever saw a ghost ?
C 9. They have taken three testa already this week.
I 10. He has offer me a high-playing job.
EXERCISE 17 Page 198
I 1. She was study the textbooks all night long.
C 2. The pie was cut into six equal pieces.
I 3. Today the teacher is allow the students to leave class a few minutes early.
I 4. The class is teach every other semester.
C 5. Tom is bringing some drinks to the party.
C 6. The sick child was taken to see a doctor.
I 7. The children are swim in the backyard pool.
I 8. The diamond jewelry is always keep in safe place.
C 9. The teacher is preparing a difficult exam for the students.
I 10. Dinner is served from 6:00 to 8: 00 .
EXERCISE 18 Page 199
C 1. You should try to respond politely.
I 2. Everyone must leaves the room immediately.
I 3. I could sat on the beach for hours.
I 4. She will asking you many difficult questions.
C 5. You can look at the book , but you cannot borrow it.
I 6. He may lies to you because he is not very truthful.
I 7. He knew that he would forgot the phone number.
I 8. The weatherman said that it might snowing tonight.
I 9. Perhaps we could bought a new car this year.
C 10. This course will satisfy the graduation requirement.
EXERCISE (Skils 16-18 ) Page 200
C 1. We have became good friends in the last year.
C 2. Your name will be list in the new directory.
I 3. The new movie is receive good reviews.
I 4. She must have feel sorry about her bad behavior.
C 5. They have always given their family many present.
C 6. We may be taking a vacation next week.
C 7. We could have taking a vacation last week.
I 8. The package might had been deliver by an express mail service.
I 9. I have not wrote very many letters to my friends.
C 10. The car should not have be drive anymore yesterday.
TOEFL EXERCISE ( Skills 16 – 18) Page 200
B 1. By the 1920, many radio transmitters had been build
C 2. Fish farming has rose in the united states in recent years.
C 3. In areas of volcanic activity,beach sand may contains dark minerals and little
A 4. Cro-magnon man was names after the caves in southwest france where the first
remains were discovered.
C 5. Lassies the famous collie who made her first screen appearance in 1943 , has
always be played by a male dog.
B 6. A blue bigwig lizard stakes out a territory and will defending females within it
against courting males.
A 7. President George Washington was inaugurates on the steps of the federal building
in newyork city.
C 8. By 1627 plymouth had became a viable and growing community of fifty families
twenty – two goats , fifteen cows and more than fifty pigs.
D 9. Tobacco was the crop on which the eminence of Williamsburg and the prosperity
of Virginia were base.
D 10. Because there may be scores of genes in each suspect DNA region scientists must
identifying and sequence the actual genes contributing to type I diabetes.
TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-18) Page 201
1. D. the pacific ocean has the deepest valleys and canyons on the earth.
2. In the united states the participation of females in the labor force D. jumped from 37 percent in 1965 to 51 percent in 1980.
3.Some composers such as Richard wagner have felt that B. interrupt arias the action of the opera too much and have written operas without them.
C 4. Water stored behind a dam can used to drive turbines .
D 5. Our universe may continue to expand as it gets colder , empty and deader.
B 6. Every form of matter in the world are made up of atoms.
B 7. The lens and corner are supply with nutrients and oxygen by the aqueous fluid.
D 8. Dodge city laid out in 1872 owed both its prosperity and its famous to the buffalo
in its early years.
B 9. The amount of the two kinds of cholesterol in the blood have been shown to have
an effect on the risk of heart attack.
C 10. By the time noah Webster Reached his mid-twenties he had already publish an
elementary speller.
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